All to the glory of God.
We exist to delight in, display, and declare the glory of God,
equipping His people to spread that delight through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Sunday School — 9:30am / Service — 10:30am
Current events on our Facebook page
Our church mission:
Exalt the Lord
The corporate gathering of the Church is primarily and ultimately the exaltation of God in worship, prayer, and the preaching of His Word.
Build up the body
The saints are edified through the means of grace by the instruction of the Word, Biblical fellowship, and corporate observance of the ordinances.
Evangelize the lost
Jesus Christ has given the Church an enduring commission to evangelize the lost through both the spoken word and unspoken testimony of a life transformed by Christ.
More than a building
Bethany Bible is a place to hear the Word of God proclaimed, to engage in worship, and
to build each other up through ministries and fellowship. With services available
both in-person and online, there are many ways to stay connected.
Get involved
There are many ways to join us in-person. From our weekly worship service to
youth and service projects, there are many ways we as a body come together.
Sunday Worship
Join us for corporate worship, reading of the scriptures, and teaching.
Sundays at 10:30am.
Sunday School
With classes for every age group, come along as we learn to understand the Bible more fully.
Sundays at 9:30am
Prayer Meeting
Take your requests and praises to the Lord as we pray together each week.
Wednesdays at 6:30pm.
Bible Study
Weekly meeting for both men and women, join us as we go though the Bible and learn how to apply it to daily life.
Current sermon series:
1 Samuel
Join us as we work through the book of 1 Samuel.
Sunday mornings at 10:30am
Current Adult Sunday school:
Proverbs, Christology and Church History (Fall Semester)
The fall begins with an in-depth study on the book of Proverbs. During the winter months we'll study the doctrines centered on Jesus Christ; Christology. And then wrap up our year studying the 2nd part in the Church History series.
Join as at 9:30 am on Sunday mornings to grow in wisdom and instruction in godly living as we work w
4th through 6th Grade
How does someone become a Christian? What does it mean to become like Jesus? To Be Like Jesus is an essential study to help elementary students understand salvation and sanctification explained through the promise of the gospel.
7th through 12th Grade
Pursuing correct knowledge of God is the greatest endeavor of which any human can pursue. This course will be a study on Systematic Theology.
This class seeks to develop a foundation of truth for the toddlers with an emphasis on The Wonders He Has Done and to Set Their Hope in God. Infants and children younger than age 2 are welcome to be part of this class with an accompanying parent.
Kindergarten through 3rd Grade
Jesus What a Savior is a chronological study on redemption which focuses on God's revelation of His Son, Jesus, as the one and only hope for desperate sinners - the good news of the gospel!
Join us from
wherever you are.
Stay up to date from anywhere with Bethany Radio, with weekly updated sermons and archives, available wherever you get podcasts, or watch our sermons live on facebook every Sunday morning.
Bethany leadership:
Our church is lead by Elders: spiritually qualified men who give leadership
to the body. Though there is a vocational pastor, each elder equally shares the
call to shepherd the flock of God, His church.

Mike Kroeker

Milt Asfahl

Dave Lunning

Brandon Scheevel
Church Office
135 E Main St LeRoy MN 55951
Get in touch